Sunday, August 3, 2008

Concert Recap: Wolf Parade @ Terminal 5, NYC

Wolf Parade was intense. Really intense. If I had seen the concert from the lower level rather than upper-most level of Terminal 5, it is probable that my brain would have exploded. Wolf Parade has never been my fave, but they proved to be talented showmen on Friday night. Perfectly timed lightwork (almost as good as that displayed by Dave Sawicki at Girl Talk Dance Party pt II), terrific segues between songs, and simple, pure, rocking out all went into making the concert memorable. While their new stuff was good, their Apologies to the Queen Mary material really set things on fire. (Silent video above)

The highlight of the concert was the classic "You are a Runner and I Am My Father's Son," which flowed seamlessly into the energetic "Fancy Claps." Pure power. "This Heart's on Fire," with Dan Broeckner on lead vocals (I think), was also very good.

In other news, I got to watch my big sister scratch up a rat's brain at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Long Island. Fun stuff.
Here are some pictures:

My sister scientist (and chaperone)


Mad scientists/Pablo Bunny readership


Unknown said...

The show was definitely awesome, but I don't think it made me any more likely to put on some Wolf Parade next time I'm listening to music. It did, however, make me appreciate the importance of showmanship (and the importance of not using a Starbucks bathroom on Eighth Ave...). Anyway, I hope we make it to many, many more concerts together in the future. :)

Could Dave Sawicki rig some synchronized lights for my thesis defense (when the day finally comes)? I feel like it would add just the right touch of drama...

Dave Sawicki said...

HAHA yes my lights were spectacular, weren't they? i forgot about that. that was fun.

Sounds like a great concert chris!